Sunday 31 May 2015

Three quarters

Hello there! I’ve been silent for quite some time, much longer than I expected. Moving away from the big country house was a true ordeal but we made it and have recovered. I always knew it is very easy for me to forget any kinds of hardships and the stressful removal was no exception. What I didn’t anticipate was how quickly we would feel totally at home in the new surroundings.

The country house was an ideal place to live as long as we drove to the office daily. Each night you felt like you were returning to the peace and quiet of your holiday home. But when we no longer had a job we started to grow increasingly reluctant to spend the three quarters of an hour to get to downtown Helsinki where all the action was. Now, it will take us three quarters of a minute to get from our apartment to the street level and we are in downtown Turku. That’s what I call progress!

And how about the town itself? Turku is the oldest town in Finland founded almost 800 years ago. It is the cradle of our civilisation and the site of many important historical events. Turku Cathedral, tho oldest church in our country believed to be inaugurated in 1300, is the seat of the Archbishop. Turku is a lovely and lively university town by the sea divided by the river Aura, a town big enough to satisfy your cultural appetite in plenty but small enough for you to explore most of the places on foot. We are loving it!

We moved here two months ago and we’ve already attended a concert in the Turku Castle – also dating from the 13th century – and another one in a brewery restaurant that used to be a school building, found a film club showing quality movies, gone to the theatre, visited several exhibitions, not to mention the many free concerts and other events we’ve either known about beforehand or happened to pass by. There are lots of interesting things going on here all the time.

The river flows just two blocks away from where we live. In the summer season, it is like a magnet drawing people to the many terrace and boat restaurants by the riverside or simply to have a seat or to enjoy a picnic on the riverbank. We couldn’t keep ourselves away from there even if we tried although many of our daily promenades take us to the walkways and paths a bit further away from the paved riverfront.

We’ve watched cherry trees blooming, tulips budding and nature slowly turning green. Proper summer with higher temperatures hasn’t reached us yet but we are getting there. We’ll be witnessing each moment from our new base only three quarters of a minute away from many of the things we’ve found ourselves longing for at this stage in life. There is all the time in the world to fine-tune the apartment later.


  1. Kiitos sinulle ihanasta Turun kiertokävelystä! Tuttuja paikkoja, olenhan siellä suurimman osan elämästäni asunut. Ikävä iskee aina välillä, mutta tyttären perhe saa meidät pysymään täällä Ahvenanmaalla. Kerran ollaan jo täältä takaisin Turkuun muutettu, mutta nyt sitten taas ollaan täällä. Oikein mukavaa elämää teille Turussa!

    1. Olemme viihtyneet todella hyvin, vaikka asumismuoto on melkein niin kaukana edellisestä kuin mahdollista. Turku on todella hieno paikka elää.

  2. What a lovely place you have chosen. Wishing you every happiness there.

    1. Thank you, Freda. I must admit I was a bit worried how we would manage the first spring without the lilacs and apple trees but we are making sure to see a lot of blooming even here.

  3. Your photos are gorgeous! Thank you so much for sharing this lovely tour!

    1. You are most welcome. Much more to come from here now that I've got started, I believe.

  4. So good to hear from you that you are enjoying and settling into your new home so well!! xx

    1. I've been surprised how smoothly we've adapted. I haven't shed a tear, which is amazing considering how much I loved the country place.

  5. I'm not sure how I have been missing all of your posts! I have read back from your most recent one. I am so pleased that you are so settled in your new home and enjoying being closer to things! It looks a wonderful place to live and it looks as if you have got so many new places to explore and enjoy. I'm not surprised you have no time to visit Italy this year! Sarah x

    1. This is the place for us for many years to come. We couldn't be happier. But we might need to travel somewhere at least for a week or two this autumn while the kitchen is being completely redone...
