Tuesday, 11 March 2014

The real world

I’m afraid I took quite a false start with my previous post. Waiting for proper spring to arrive will be long enough even without any extra uplifting. The little snow we had is now gone and our spring is some 4 to 6 weeks ahead but it is not offering us much yet.

While we had some errands to run in a nearby town, I wanted to check how their lake was doing. We found it ice covered except for the immediate waterline plus some straits and other spots with strong currents.

A few wild ducks had already found the unfrozen strip by the shore. They didn’t respect the intruder but fled on the ice and started to pace away from me.

The sun was actually shining for a few moments. By the time we were at another corner of the patchwork of a lake there was no longer any sign of it. Nature was back to the toneless and barren palette of weariness.

There is nothing green in sight unless it is man-made, evergreen or from last year. However mild and short a winter behind, it cannot stop your impatience from growing this time of the year.


  1. Kauniita kuvia olet ottanut. Aika samanlaiselta näytti täällä vielä joku päivä sitten, mutta nyt paistaa aurinko ja jäät ovat hävinneet. Tänään olen haravoinut lehtiä mökin pihalta ja siistinyt kukkamaita. Ihana kevät!

    1. Toivotaan, ettei tule enää takapakkia. Paljon toivottu, mutta jospa kerrankin saisimme kunnolla aikaisen kevään.

  2. Spring still seems quite a time away for you, especially looking at pictures from further South. Your winters must be so long.
    Sarah x

    1. And this is how it is when the winter is at its shortest! Now you must understand why we keep travelling to the Mediterranean in both spring and autumn. Not just now that we are free but we used to do that even when we were still employed.
