Friday, 26 September 2014

Apples but no oranges

The other day we took some 160 kilos of apples to be pressed for juice. That is about the amount it is wise to transport in our car without risking road safety in terms of visibility.

This pile produced some 100 litres of juice that is now stored in our cellar nicely packed in 3-litre plastic bags with taps. A couple of years ago some pressers started to provide a bag-in-box alternative. This is such a fantastic improvement we are happy to pay the extra cents for the pastorisation and packaging.

Two litres of healthy and ecological juice per week throughout the year from your own garden is not a bad crop at all even though we’ve had to throw away at least as many kilos as we managed to save. Every few years, such as last year, the crop has been so minimal there has been nothing to press.

Our apple juice has always been reddish in colour. This time it shows a shade of orange, making it an even greater delight to your senses. It certainly is the best kind of juice I have ever tasted.


  1. Onpa siinä aikamoinen määrä omenoita ja mehua! Varmasti ihanaa juoda tuollaista luomumehua vuoden ympäri.

    1. Älä muuta sano. Kyllä viime talvena harmitti, kun piti tyytyä kaupan mehuihin.

  2. So many apples, the juice looks delicious. Sarah x

    1. I've never made any jam an inefficient cook as I am but it is starting to look like that would finally happen this season.

  3. We had so many apples on our tree this year, but no where near as many as you! Enjoy the fruits of your labours x

    1. Welcome Chel! I am so glad you found my blog so I found my way to your great blog! I read all your recent posts at once and I can't wait to be able to continue.
