Friday, 29 March 2013

Hit the brakes, dear!

When you happen to be passing a street view this gorgeous you’ve got to hit the brakes at once. He satisfied my request without hesitation so by the look of it he was impressed, too. I jumped out of the car overjoyed.

I had seen these trees in blossom before but never several in a row by a street. Their botanical name is Cercis siliquastrum and they are commonly called Judas trees (Juudaksenpuu) as Judas Iscariot is believed to have hung himself from such a tree. Another possible source for the name is the fact that these trees can sprout flowers directly from the trunk thus reminding of the suicide of Judas. 

According to a third, more likely, explanation the name may have derived from the French common name arbre de Judée, tree of Judea. Whatever the origin, I like the merciful message the common name seems to entail: the notorious traitor is allowed to lend his name to such a glorious plant often blooming around Easter.

Take a look at the building against which the trees cast their charming shadows. Its ornaments might take your thoughts to Italy but this one is from Catalonia, Spain. We were driving through the village of El Bruc at the foot of the Montserrat mountains some 50 kilometres inland from Barcelona. It was last year in late April and everything was so wonderful. Back home we probably still had some snow. This spring we certainly will have.

Life isn’t fair and time flies. That’s why you’ve got to hit the brakes whenever you see anything even remotely worthwhile.


  1. Right, a very good suggestion! Hit the breakes, and not only while you are driving....

    1. Indeed! Fortunately, with age one seems to value the beauty of the passing moment more and more.

  2. Ihana puu ja ihana tunnelma kuvissasi!

    1. Olivat niin upeita, että oli aivan pakko jarruttaa ja ottaa sen seitsemän kuvaa, joista tässä vain muutama...

  3. Jarru pohjaan! Ei kauneutta voi ohittaa, se on nautittava suurin, hitain kulauksin.

    1. Näin on ja ikään kuin sitä havaitsisikin enemmän iän myötä. Ehkä syynä on myös tämä "joutilaisuus", kun ei tarvitse enää palkkatyön perässä kiirehtää.
