Tuesday, 19 March 2013

Rest with roses

We’ve had several beautiful sunny days giving some promise of a true spring but the nights have been so freezing that progress has been minimal. The snow bed is hard and almost knee high everywhere around our place, which isn’t that bad for outdoor activities.

However, I’ve had to stay indoors because of some problems with my leg. I’ll tell more about that later, although sitting too many hours by the computer without taking proper pauses certainly didn’t help. Such carefree behaviour will defeat you eventually. So I’ve spent the last few days moving around from room to room and from sofa to sofa carrying with me the bunch of roses I bought on Saturday. If you have to lay low you’ve got to take whatever pleasure there is for you to take.


  1. Ihania aurinkopäiviä ollut täälläkin. Kurjaa ettet ole päässyt nauttimaan ulkoilusta. Toivottavasti saat itsesi kuntoon pian! Nauti kuitenkin kauniista ruusuista ja kauniista kodistasi. t. Krisse

    1. Kiitos, kiitos! Parempaan päin ollaan menossa.

  2. Istumatyö on kyllä vihonviimeistä ja tämä koneen ääressä kököttäminen. Toivottavasti jalkasi pian paranee :)

    1. Lääkäri määräsi vain lisää troppeja, joten eiköhän taas kohta astella normaalisti.
