Tuesday 14 May 2013

First pink of spring

There seems to be a nice spot of warmer microclimate some 15 km from our place where I went yesterday. All the birches were a bit greener there and I even saw a couple of cherries in blossom. It had been raining so the weather was rather grey but I had to stop the car and run inside the mesh fence of the school building to take a few photos. I couldn’t risk it. The blooming may be gone by the time I have another errand to run driving past the two lovely sargent’s cherries (Prunus sargentii) (rusokirsikka).


  1. Replies
    1. Odotas, kun saan tänne tämänpäiväiset kuvat! Tulikin asiaa sinne suuntaan pikemmin kuin oletin.

  2. How beautiful, one could think to be in Japan!

    1. These trees close to the brick wall seem to be all flowers compared to the others I've seen around here.
